There are lots of ways you can get involved in serving at Liberti. Whether you’re interested in being on our worship team or kids ministry team, serving Communion or serving coffee, we’re glad to help you find a place to serve that’s a fit with who you are and what you’re passionate about.



Music Team - Serve on a team to lead the church's musical worship at Sunday services.

Sound Tech Team - Serve on a team to set-up / tear-down and run our sound equipment for our worship services. 

Communion Servers - All in-covenant members will be given the opportunity to serve communion at our worship services on a regular basis.


Kids Teachers/Helpers - Teachers and helpers work together to provide our church’s children with a creative, fun, and welcoming environment in which to engage Christian faith in an age appropriate way. 

Youth - Meet once a month with high school or middle school youth to help facilitate a small group Bible studies and develop relationships with the youth of Liberti. 

* To serve with Liberti Kids and Youth, you must
complete Pennsylvania Criminal Background
found at:


Connect Team - Serve at the Liberti Info table during coffee hour to help provide information and a warm welcome to people looking for more info about the church. 

Welcome Team - Welcome worship service attendees, hand out worship folders, distribute parking passes, and answer newcomers' questions. 

Usher Team - Help community members find seats, the restrooms, kids' ministry and answer any questions they may have about our Sunday morning services. 

Hospitality Team - Serve coffee and light refreshments at our coffee hour after the worship service. 

Set-up / Tear-down - Help set-up and tear-down our worship facilities before and after our worship services.